Prayerful Looking: Art to Nourish the Soul

Sunday, April 16, 2023 - 2:00pm - 3:30pm
2600 Benjamin Franklin Pkwy
Philadelphia, PA 19130
United States

In Person Engaging Look at Art of The Philadelphia Art Museum 

 “Visio Divina” (aka “Prayerful Looking”) is a spiritual practice by which we open ourselves to the presence of the Divine. Guided group meditations on works of art will introduce the practice. An opportunity will follow for each of us to seek out a work that sparks awareness of the Spirit’s role in our engagement with important personal issues. We will close by touring and discussing the works of art chosen by group members.

For Discussion: Paintings by Renoir and Cassatt featuring two or more figures may engage us in contemplation of our own relationships and the impact they have on our emotional, spiritual, and physical health.

Arts and Culture
Higher Education & Research