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For companies entering the U.S. market: WorldUpstart helps to optimize your strategy and connect you to the right players, partners, and investors.

For academic institutions, economic development agencies, and governments: WorldUpstart helps to build entrepreneurial ecosystems that bring innovations to market in your city, region or country.WorldUpstart helps you identify blindspots. And eliminate them.

The organization's two missions:

  1. Founders: The U.S. market is both extremely attractive and overwhelming.
  2. Institutions: To gain fast traction and reliable growth in the U.S., companies need exceptional strategy and execution.

Our U.S. Market Gateway Accelerator helps companies uncover blind spots and leads them to create a reliable strategy and a roadmap for expansion by bringing in industry experts, investors, and mentors. 

WorldUpstart assists universities and governments to create and implement innovative programs to help commercialize academic innovation for the marketplace.